T6 A Krivodol - Turići
U rimsko doba je Imotska krajina bila premrežena putovima, i moglo bi se reći, dobro povezana s većim središtima. Ostaci rimskih cesta na nekim su dionicama i danas sačuvani.U to se vrijeme putovalo kočijama, baš kao i dva tisućljeća kasnije - u Tinovom djetinjstvu i ranoj mladosti. Kočije su u to vrijemebile uglavnom povezane s poštanskim uredima.
U Imotskoj krajini početkom 1870-ih poštanski suuredi bili u Imotskom, Župi, Zagvozdu i Lovreću. Poštanske pošiljke prevožene su kočijom kolosalnicom, tzv. brzovozom.Krajem 1870-ih jedan brzovoz počeoje prometovati iz Splita i Sinja za Imotski. Osim pošte kočije su prevozile i putnike. Vožnja je bila neudobna i pogibeljna jer su se kočije često prevrtale.Tek od tridesetih godina prošloga, 20. stoljeća dogodio se nagli „skok“ iz kočije u motorna vozila. Lošim cestamatada su nastavili prometovati kamioni, autobusi i automobili.
Najpoznatiji je pjesnikov dolazak u Krivodol onaj krajem 1925. nakon progona iz Beograda.U pratnji žandara iskrcao se kod Pošte gdje ga je dočekalo cijelo selo, a on je uzviknuo: „Evo mene među mojih tristo Ujevića!“
In Roman times the county of Imotski was crisscrossed by roads and it could be said that it was well connected with major centers. The remains of Roman roads are still preserved on some sections. Travel was by carriages in Roman times and two millennia after, in Tin's childhood and early life. The carriages then were connected to post offices. In the early 1870s the county of Imotski had several post offices. They were in Imotski, Župa, Zagvozd and Lovreć. Consigments were transported by mail coaches that began to operate from Split and Sinj to Imotski in the late 1870s. Besides consigments, the coaches were also transporting passengers. The rides were uncomfortable and unpleasent becouse carriages would often turn over. Only in 1930s there comes the jump from carriages to motor vehicles. The trucks, the buses and the cars were driving along poor roads.
The most famous poets arrival to Krivodol was the one in the end od 1925 after the persecution from Belgrade. Accompanied by the gendarmes he went out „at the post office“ where the whole village welcomed him, and he shouted: „Here I am among 300 members of my Ujević family“.