T 15 Crkva svetog Ante – Drum

T 15 Crkva svetog Ante – Drum T 15 Church of Saint Anthony – Drum

Sajam (u Imotskoj krajini – dernek) u Podbablju, spomenut u Uspavanci iz Krivodola, ima svoju priču.

Tin je nekoliko puta navraćao kod nas u gostionu. Došlo je i vrijeme derneka u Podbablju. Mater je napunila torbu hranom, dok smo se ja i sestra uređivale. Kada smo došli na dernek, crkvi svetog Ante u Drumu, sjeli smo malo dalje od ceste koja je bila puna ljudi. Mater je iz torbe izvadila pečenicu, uštipke i druge stvari i sve posložila na vezenu kuhinjsku krpu. Tada je kroz gužvu došao moj ćaća, s njime i Tin. Svi smo sjeli i jeli. Njih dvojica su razgovarala, a kada sam pokušala nešto upitati, zamucala sam pa su me pogledali. Kao dijete sam mucala. Tin mi je tada stavio prst na usne i rekao: 'Sada govori!' Uspjela sam kazati što sam htjela. Kad god sam ponovo htjela nešto reći, pogledala bih ga, a on bi mi potvrdno klimnuo glavom. Nakon jela smo šetali dernekom sve dok se Tin nije odvojio od nas i popeo na brijeg iznad derneka. Dugo je sjedio i gledao dernek. Pred mrak je ustao, pogledao na nas, mahnuo nam nestavši u gužvi. I dandanas se sjećam kako sam uz njegovu pomoć pobijedila mucanje.

(Prema kazivanju Nede Kujundžić zapisao Augustin Ago Kujundžić)

Tin stopped by our tavern a few times. The time for the fair had come. Mother filled a bag with food while my sister and I were getting dressed up. When we came to the fair, near the church of Saint Anthony in Drum, we sat a little further from the road which was full of people. Mother took the sirloin, fritters and other things out of her bag and she set them all up on an embroidered kitchen towel. At that moment my father came through the crowd, together with Tin. We were sitting and eating. The two of them were talking and when I tried to ask something I stuttered and then they looked at me. I used to stutter as a child. That was when Tin put his finger on my lips and said: ''Now speak!'' I managed to say what I wanted. Whenever I tried to say something again I would look at him and he would nod his head in agreement. After the meal, we strolled through the fair until Tin separated from us and climbed up the hill above the fair. He was sitting for a long time looking at the crowd. He got up before dark, looked at us, waved and disappeared in the crowd. I remember until this day how I had beaten the stuttering with his help.

(Told by Neda Kujundžić and written by Augustin Ago Kujundžić)

Riječ je o nekoć velikom derneku u Podbablju, najvećem u Dalmaciji,na kojem se okupljala cijela Imotska krajina, Bekija (pogranični dio Hercegovine), pa i šire. Bilo bi i do pet tisuća ljudi. Slavilo se tri dana: na Sv. Stipana, na Sv. Ivana a glavna proslava je bila na Mladence (Nevina dječica) 28. prosinca, pa tako tekst iz Uspavanke Jer evo si vidio vile i vilenjake, ali vještica i zloduha nad kolijevkom nisi vidio. I snatrio si Gospe s očima iz tvojeg sela i stasom iz kola na sajmu u Podbablju…, možemo povezati s konkretnim doživljajem 26., 27. ili 28. prosinca 1925. godine.Popilo bi se kažu stariji ljudi oko pet tisuća litara vina. Krajem 60-tih dernek se ugasio.

This used to be a great fair in Podbablje, the biggest one in Dalmatia, where people from all over the Imotski area, Bekija (border region of Herzegovina) and other parts used to gather. There used to up to 5000 people. It was celebrated for three days: on St Stephan's Day, on St John's Day and the biggest feast was the one of the Holy Innocent on December 28. We can associate the text from the Lullaby:

for you have seen fairies and elves, but witches and demons above the cradle, you haven't seen. And you dreamed of ladies with the eyes from your village and the stature from the carriage from the feast in Podbablje…

with the real experience from the December 26th, 27th or 28th oft he 1925. Five thousand litres of wine would be drank. The feast stopped being celebrated by the end of the 1960s.

The fair (in the region of Imotski also called a bash) in Podbablje, mentioned in A Lullaby from Krivodol, has its story.